7.17 Current Summary
date we have estimated the FCFE for IBM.
This is our estimate of the current “economic dividend”
that IBM could pay during a period and existing shareholders
would be as well off at the end of the period as they were at
the beginning of the period.
To assess intrinsic value we need to forecast what the future
FCFE is likely to be.
We turn to this task next.
In doing so it is convenient to work on a per share basis
so we will divide FCFE by the average number of shares
Working with the 2009 10-K consolidated income statement
exported to Excel the shares outstanding for IBM is 1.341
Debt Ratio = 0.239
Cash Flow from Operations = 20.773
Less IBM’s Adjustment for Financing Receivables 1.9
IBM Adjusted Cash Flows from Operations = 18.873/1.341 =
CAPEX per Share = 6.519/1.341 = 4.86
FCFF per share = 12.381/1.341 = 9.21
FCFE per share = 13.939/1.341 = $10.39